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scanCONTROL Output Unit
scanCONTROL 25xx
Commissioning scanCONTROL Output Unit
After having installed the required wiring of the modules of scanCONTROL Output Unit, you have to param-
eterize the measurement system according to your measurement task to get the desired signals at the digital
and analog output ports.
Connect the sensor to the PC using the Ethernet cable.
Alternatively scanCONTROL Output Unit can be connected simultaneously to the PC and to the sensor.
Parameterize the measurement system using scanCONTROL Configuration Tools and assign the desired
signals to the digital and analog output ports.
When the parameterization is finished, save the settings to a user mode of the sensor.
scanCONTROL Configuration Tools > Menu
Parameters > Save parameters to scanCONTROL...
Refer to scanCONTROL Configuration Tools, Chapter 3.14.4.
Exit scanCONTROL Configuration Tools and disconnect scanCONTROL 2510, PC and if necessary
scanCONTROL Output Unit.
Connect the scanCONTROL 2510 sensor to the Output Unit by using the Ethernet cable.
scanCONTROL 2510 and the output unit operate now as an independent measurement system and the digi-
tal and analog signals are output via the assigned ports.