Page 34
Operation of the Measuring System with a PC
scanCONTROL 25xx
The following minimum system specification is necessary for the operation of the scanCONTROL software
- Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 10 (32 Bit und 64 Bit)
Pentium III ≥ 800 MHz
- 512 MB RAM
- Screen resolution: 1024x768
To be able to use the software the following steps must be followed:
1. Install the Ethernet interface hardware, if not already installed.
2. Install the software.
3. Connect the scanCONTROL 25xx measurement system to the PC via Ethernet.
Connecting scanCONTROL 25xx to the PC
Proceed as follows in order to connect scanCONTROL 25xx via Ethernet with the PC.
Finish the installation of the software completely.
Connect scanCONTROL 25xx via the Ethernet interface to the PC and switch on the power supply.
Please wait until the scanCONTROL 25xx device is recognized by the PC.
This may take a few seconds.
The system is now ready to operate the scanCONTROL 25xx measurement system with the scanCONTROL
software packages.