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optoNCDT 1900 / Profinet
Scaling the x-axis: You can zoom into the graph shown above with the two sliders on the right and left in the lower overall signal
section. You can also move it to the side with the mouse in the center of the zoom window (four-sided arrow).
Select a chart type: measurement values or video signal
The display shows how the adjustable measurement task (target material), peak selection and possible interfering signals due to
reflections or similar affect the video signal. There is no linear relationship between the position of the peak in the video signal display
and the output measured value.
Parameter Setting via PROFINET
PROFINET includes a mechanism for parameterizing the sensors. Objects are defined for this purpose, which contain the parameters
for configuring the sensor. For details about reading and changing SDO, please refer to the description of your PROFINET master.
An overview of the available objects can be found in the parameter documentation, see Chap.
Timing, Measurement Value Cycles
The sensor needs five internal cycles for measuring and processing: The measurement value N is transmitted to the PROFINET mas-
ter in the fifth cycle.
Measurement, processing and transmission take place in parallel, so that the next measurement value (N+1) is transmitted in the fol-
lowing cycle.