The DUAL ADSR module combines two independent envelope-generators in a single module.
In addition to the four standard parameters Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release, each envelope
offers an adjustable Hold time between attack and decay phases. This allows add additional
punch to percussive sounds with short decay and low sustain.
DUAL ADSR is fully compatible to Doepfer’s A-100 modular system - in size, bus-power and
CV/Gate voltage. Connect the 16-pin cable to a corresponded 16-pin jack on the Doepfer
mainframe bus. Supply voltage needs to be b/- 9 and 12 volts, 5-volt connections are
not required. The wattage is +/- 30 mA, the module size 12 TE (Teileinheiten).
ATTENTION: Please, check for correct polarity! The colored side of the connector-cable
needs to point downwards so that the cable is not twisted.
Both envelopes work independent. However, Gate1 acts as common trigger-input with Gate2
not being patched. The gate-inputs are also connected to the mainframe/system bus. Therefore,
gate-signals from a buss-access module or an appropriate MIDI/CV-interface are available
without front side patching. The mainframe bus triggers both envelopes simultaneously.
Front side patching of the gate-inputs will disconnect mainframe-bus triggering.
The envelope phases are Attack time, Hold time, Decay time and Sustain level (for the
duration the key is pressed). Once the key is released and the gate-signal is ended, the Release
time sets in. A LED indicates envelope activity.
Usually, the envelopes work with logarithmic character. Switch 1 ° 2 sets ADSR1 and/or
ADSR2 to a linear voltage character.
Each envelope offers two parallel outputs. This reduces the necessity of multiples, where two
modules need to be triggered by the same envelope.
The gate-inputs require trigger-voltages between 5 and 12 volts. The CV-output signal is
between 0 and 10 volts.