Only approved ramps or lifting
equipments may be used.
The loading capacity per ramp or
lifting equipment must be for the
– greater than 100 kg without dri-
ver and
– greater than
250 kg with driver (fixed ramp)!
Only tested and approved ramps or
lifting platforms intended for
wheelchair loading may be used.
Special safety informations
For safety reasons, the wheelchair
must be unloaded (without bagga-
ge and without user) during its loa-
ding into a car or when a split ramp
is used.
Ensure that the wheelchair can roll
back for a short distance (neutral
zone) if forward motion on the
ramp is interrupted or when set-
ting in motion at the bottom of the
Cars and vans should be parked on
a level and firm surface with the
handbrake on to prevent them
from rolling away.
Ensure that the ramp cannot slip
at the ground end or at the trans-
port vehicle end.
Ramps should be positioned so as
to leave enough space for
wheelchair steering correction wi-
thout one of the wheels protruding
over the edge of the ramp.
Only use the wheelchair on dry,
clean and undamaged ramps or lif-
ting equipment.
Pre-select the lowest maximum