Installation Guide MB
Solar Modules
The modules are suitable for the following applications:
• Ambient operating temperature: –40°C to +40°C
• Maximum compression load 5400 Pa, maximum tensile load
2400 Pa (includes a safety factor of 1.5)
• Installation on a substructure for solar panels
• All modules will be tested and approved according to IEC
61215-2016 and IEC 61730-2016 (Certification pending)
• Installation must comply strictly with all country-specific
electrical and structural safety standards.
• Wear gloves when handling the module frame
• When unstacking the modules, protect the front side against
scratching, etc.
• Never short-circuit the cables of the solar modules, i.e., do
not connect them together
• Cables and sockets must not be used for handling or transport
• Do not walk on the modules and avoid other kinds of point
load because these could result in irreparable damage
Installation location
The installation location should be chosen bearing the following
aspects in mind:
• The modules must not be installed:
· In an enclosed area
· At an altitude of more than 2000 m above sea level*
· On a water surface*
· In places where water can accumulate (e.g., due to flooding)
· In the vicinity of highly flammable gases or vapors (e.g., near
gas tanks or filling stations)
· Directly adjacent to air conditioning or ventilation systems
• The modules must not be used as a substitute for roofing
or facades
• If the modules are installed less than 500 m from the sea,
special precautions are necessary with regard to grounding,
maintenance and cleaning
• Avoid contact between chemical substances (e.g., oil or
solvents) and parts of the modules.
• The modules can be mounted in either portrait or landscape
• Make sure no water can accumulate. Rain or melt water must
be able to drain off freely.
• The drainage holes in the module frame must not be closed
or obscured
• Minimum tilt: 5°
• The maximum tilt should be determined based on local
• Self-cleaning is improved if the modules are tilted by more
than 20°.
Optimum sunlight results in maximum energy yield:
• Install the modules so that they are facing the sun
• Avoid total or partial shading (e.g., due to trees, chimneys,
buildings, dirt, snow, overhead power lines)
• Shading of the glass-glass modules on the rear side should be
The substructure must meet the following requirements:
• The substructure must provide the required structural strength
and be designed to withstand local snow and wind loads
• Uneven snow coverings (e.g., snow banks or drifts) could result
in significantly higher, localized loads and must be removed or
avoided with the help of technical measures
* Please ask the manufacturer for advice if you wish to install the modules at an altitude of more than 2000 m above sea level or on a water surface.