The filter function “smoothes out” sudden surges in the measured values or eliminates
signal noise. If the filter time constant is too high, the measurement value fluctuations
can be falsified by "smoothing out" the ascending and descending slopes, or by
eliminating short pulses. The filter time constant should be customized to the maximum
speed of changes in the measured process.
[5]: It enables on / off the archiving of the results to a file in internal archive memory.
[6]: The failure value is the constant value which is displayed instead of the measurement
result if the input signal fails or calculation result is out of range.
[7]: This option enables set the span of the scale displayed on the trend graph in the single
result window.
12.4.3 Alarm
Mode: Disabled
(Disabled, Low, High)
Type: Alarm
(Control, Alarm)
Level: [None]
Hysteresis: [None]
Colour: Disabled
(Disabled, Green, Yellow, Red)
Output: --
(--, A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
Change the frequency of archiving: Disabled
(Disabled, Enabled)
Log event: Disabled
(Disabled, Enabled)
E-mail Notification: Disabled
(Disabled, Enabled)
[1]: The threshold can be set to
(active above a specific level) or
(active below
a specific level) operation mode.
[2]: Setting of the
Type: Alarm
(or so called latched mode) allows to indicate the alarm
notification with confirmation procedure.
Type: Control
(or so called non-latched mode)
allows to indicate the threshold status or use relays outputs to set a simple on/off
control (e.g. heating or cooling).
[3]: The alarm threshold level value is entered in the measured value units assigned.
[4]: The hysteresis value is the difference between the threshold value exceedance and
return to normal. The threshold hysteresis value is entered in units of the measured
value assigned to a specific measurement channel. For example, for a threshold set to
, 48 °C threshold level and 0.5 °C hysteresis means that the threshold will be
exceeded above 48 °C, and will return to normal below 47.5 °C (48-0.5). For
a threshold set to
, -
15 °C threshold level and 0.2°C hysteresis means the
threshold will be exceeded below -
15 °C, and will return to normal above -14.8 °C
( -(15-0.2)).
[5]: Each alarm / control threshold can have a colour assigned. If the threshold is
exceeded, the measurement result is displayed in a different colour:
(assigned to this alarm).
[6]: The drop down list enables selecting a suitable module and output to which the used
output relay is connected. After the selection, below the list, the module tag is displayed
enabling its identification.
[7]: The recording of measurement results can be controlled by alarm / control thresholds.
Two different recording speeds can be set. The exceeded threshold can switch from