Windows Driver
Rev. 1.01
- 51 -
7-1-2 Text printing
The following code is an example of the printing of Arial Test via the Windows font, and
FontA1x1Test via the printer font.
‘Print in Windows font
Printer.FontSize = 9
Printer.FontName = “Arial”
Printer.Print “Arial Test”
‘Print in printer font
Printer.FontSize = 9.5
Printer.FontName =
7-1-3 Barcode printing
The following example code explains how to print the barcode (JAN8 (EAN)).
'Print Bar Code.
Printer.FontSize = 20
Printer.FontName = "JAN8 (EAN)"
Printer.Print "1234567"
7-1-4 2-D barcode printing
The following example code explains how to print the 2-D barcode (PDF417).
'Print Two-dimensional Codes.
Printer.FontSize = 9.5
Printer.FontName = "PDF417"
Printer.Print "Print Test PDF417"