AEROCET 532 Manual Rev B
Page 33
Annual Calibration
The AEROCET 532 should be sent back to Met One Instruments, Inc. yearly for
calibration and inspection. The annual calibration cannot be performed by the customer
because this calibration requires specialized equipment and a skilled technician. Met
One Instruments, Inc. maintains a calibration facility for calibrating particle counters
according to industry accepted methods such as ISO and NIST. The annual calibration
also includes inspection and preventative maintenance to improve product reliability.
Filter Change
The AEROCET 532 filter cartridge is located on the bottom back instrument panel. A
0.2 micron filter, MOI part number 580302, is used to prevent particles from
contaminating the local sample area. It can be removed by unscrewing the black
aluminum filter holders with a coin using the slot in the face of the holder. The
frequency of filter changes depends on the particulate concentrations measured.
Flash Upgrade
The AEROCET 532 is firmware upgradeable via the serial connection using a Met One
Instruments, Inc. update utility. The new firmware and update utility must be provided
by Met One Instruments, Inc.