Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Is it possible to integrate MESI mTABLET into the existing EHR platform?
MESI mTABLET supports 2 different integration services/protocols:
Level 1: One-way communication (saving PDFs to pre-determined location) using the online MESI
mRECORDS platform.
Level 2: An advanced integration with two-way communication, which enables ordering
measurements and saving them directly to EHR/HIS platform. This can be done with a variety of
formats such as standard HL7, GDT, DICOM, etc.
What are the advantages of using MESI mTABLET over any other store-bought tablet?
MESI mTABLET is specially designed and produced for healthcare professionals. Unlike consumer
tablets, it is certified to comply with all medical regulatory requirements.
MESI mRECORDS is an out-of-the-box electronic medical record, to which all measurements and
patient data are automatically stored and synchronized with. Since it is a web platform, it is
accessible from anywhere at any time. All measurements and patient data are synced between MESI
mTABLET and MESI mRECORDS, thus giving the medical expert instant access to recorded
What is the MESI mTABLET diagnostic system?
The MESI mTABLET, a certified medical tablet, is a unique healthcare solution, integrating wireless
diagnostic modules, patient records and medical apps in one system.
How are the modules connected to MESI mTABLET?
Wirelessly, using a Bluetooth connection.
How to pair the module’s unit to MESI mTABLET?
Before any recordings can be performed, each module’s unit needs to be paired to MESI mTABLET.
Take your MESI mTABLET and open the Doctor tab.
Go to Settings -> Modules and tap + Add module in the lower right corner.
The unit can be connected to the MESI mTABLET by holding the button for 4 seconds, which
will put it into pairing mode, indicated by blue light.
When a connection is successfully established, the light on top of the unit will turn green.
Confirm the pairing process by pressing the button on top of the unit again. The final screen
indicates the connection is successfully established.