First Time Start Up & Operation
Once the CleanTech 2000S or 4000S system is installed with the Boot Sanitizing Pan(s) and are fully
functional, follow the steps below to prime the pan for the first time and subsequently after each
time the pan is cleaned. (This process will have to be performed for each of the 3 bays on the
CleanTech 4000S system.)
Once the UP 2% hand soap and the Self-Clean is installed, go to step 2. See Photo below.
Locate the Prime button located just above the Self-Clean container, inside the solutions
housing. See photo below.
Press and hold the prime button for 20 seconds, allowing the water and the Self-Clean
solution to fill the pan to its normal water height based on the mat purchased.
Using a Quat test stripe (0-1000 ppm), check the concentration of the pan. The concentration
in the pan should be 800-1000 PPM.
The CleanTech system with the boot pan is then ready for use.
Once hands are placed into the cylinders, the handwash cycle will initiate.
Once the 12-second handwash cycle is complete, the water will stop in the handwashing
cylinders and hands can be removed at that time.
The system will then inject a small amount of water and the Self-Clean solution into the pan to
replenishing the Boot Sanitizing Pan. This will occur at the end of each handwash cycle.