454 CID (7.4L) / 502 CID (8.2L)
Page 3A-79
90-861326--1 MARCH 1999
Measure camshaft bearing journals with a micrometer for out-of-round condition. If journals
exceed .001 in. (0.025 mm) out-of-round, camshaft should be replaced.
Also check camshaft for alignment with V-blocks and dial indicator which indicates exact
amount camshaft is out of true. If out more than .002 in. (0.051 mm) (dial indicator reading)
camshaft should be replaced.
Checking Camshaft Alignment
1. Install camshaft as follows:
a. Install two 5/16-18 x 5 in. bolts in camshaft bolt holes, then lubricate camshaft jour-
nals with engine oil and install camshaft, being careful not to damage bearings.
b. Lubricate camshaft lobes with General Motors Cam and Lifter Prelube or equivalent.
c. Install timing chain or gears as outlined.
2. Install crankcase front cover and valve lifters as outlined.
Camshaft Bearings
Camshaft bearings can be replaced while engine is disassembled for overhaul or without
complete disassembly. To replace bearings without complete disassembly, remove cam-
shaft and crankshaft, leaving cylinder heads attached and pistons in place. Before removing
crankshaft, fasten connecting rods against sides of engine so that they will not interfere
while replacing camshaft bearings.
1. With camshaft and crankshaft removed, drive camshaft rear plug from cylinder block.
NOTE: This procedure is based on removal of bearings from center of engine first, thus
requiring a minimum amount of turns to remove all bearings.
2. Using camshaft bearing remover and installer set (J-6098-01) (with nut and thrust
washer installed to end of threads), position pilot in front camshaft bearing and install
puller screw through pilot.
3. Install tool with shoulder toward bearing. Be sure a sufficient amount of threads are
4. Using two wrenches, hold puller screw while turning nut. When bearing has been pulled
from bore, remove tool and bearing from puller screw.
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