Management and Tools Overview
Rev 2.9
Mellanox Technologies
MFT is running on the computer
"mtusb-1" mst device appears in "mst status"
Set the switch I2C switch to allow access by running:
> mlxi2c -d /dev/mst/mtusb-1 -s IS5025 p /IS4
Run the burn command:
flint -d /dev/mst/mtusb-1 -i ./fw-IS4-rel-7_0_142-Q_A1.bin -qq b
Power cycle the switch, by unplugging and re-plugging the power cord, to load the new firm-
4.3.3 How to Get Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT)
Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT) and documentation are available for download via
> Downloads > Firmware Tools.
The MFT kit includes:
• mlxburn
• flint
• spark
• IBspark
• debug utilities
See “Related Documentation” on page 7.
4.3.4 Open SM
To manage the Mellanox switch system using OFED, download Mellanox Open Fabrics from
> Downloads > InfiniBandSW/Drivers.
Be sure to read and follow all of the instructions regarding the installation and use of these tools.
Each InfiniBand subnet needs one subnet manager to discover, activate and manage the subnet.
An InfiniBand® network requires a Subnet Manager to be running in either the Infiniband switch
itself (switch based) or on one of the nodes which is connected to the Infiniband fabric (host
The InfiniBand subnet manager (OpenSM) assigns Local IDentifiers (LIDs) to each port con-
nected to the InfiniBand fabric, and develops a routing table based on the assigned LIDs.
A typical InfiniBand installation using the OFED package will run the OpenSM subnet manager at
system start up after the OpenIB drivers are loaded. This automatic OpenSM is resident in mem-
ory, and sweeps the InfiniBand fabric approximately every 5 seconds for new InfiniBand adapters
to add to the subnet routing tables.