Adapter Card Interfaces
Rev 1.0
Mellanox Technologies
The desired port configuration will then be set for the selected device. Note: This utility also has a
non interactive mode:
"/sbin/connectx_port_config [[-d|--device <PCI device ID>] -c|--conf <port1,port2>]".
2.1.3 PCI Express Interface
The ConnectX
-2 adapter cards support PCI Express 2.0 (1.1 compatible) through an x8 edge con-
nector. The device can be either a master initiating the PCI Express bus operations or a slave
responding to PCI bus operations.
2.1.4 LED Assignment
The board has I/O LEDs located on the I/O panel. The green LED, when lit, indicates that the
driver is running and a valid physical connection between nodes exists. If the green LED is blink-
ing, it indicates a problem with the physical link. The yellow LED when lit, indicates a valid data
activity link, this is the logical link. The yellow LED lights up when the network is discovered
over the physical link. A valid data activity link without data transfer is designated by a constant
yellow LED indication. A valid data activity link with data transfer is designated by a blinking yel-
low LED indication. If the LEDs are not active, either the physical link or the logical link (or both)
connections have not been established.
Figure 3: Physical and Logical Link Indications
The short bracket has the same port and LED footprint as the tall bracket.
Table 5 - LEDs
LED Name
Physical Link - Green
Constant on indicates a good physical link
Blinking indicates a problem with the Physical link
Data Activity - Yellow
Blinking indicates Data Transfer
Constant on indicates no Data Transfer