The „Offset“ menu opens a window for entering an offset for both
The center of the measuring range can be determined by means of
the value “Off-set”. The value range comprises half the amplitude in
the positive or negative direction. The maximum voltage of ± 10 V
may not be exceeded. The measurement accuracy may decrease
slightly at offsets other than 0V as the instrument is calibrated
for this voltage only. Trigger
The „Trigger“ menu opens a window that allows you to configure
the triggering for the measurement.
With the two values "Upper" and "Lower" trigger thresholds are
set. For most trigger modes, only the Upper Threshold is required.
Only in the trigger mode window (Windows) an additional lower
threshold must be specified. There are no settable thresholds in
the modes "Manual" and "External". The thresholds always refer to
the measured data, not to possible mathematical results.
Furthermore, the trigger channel may be specified.
The most important entry in this window is the selection of the
trigger type. This information is of decisive importance for a
smooth picture with repetitive signals and reliable recognition in
the case of one-time events. A detailed description can be found in
the section "Trigger Modes".