3.2.4 Option “High Current”
The option “High Current” (HC) can be combined with the board
versions without “island channels”. It gives you the possibility to in-
crease the output current per channel to I
= ±15 mA. This re-
quires an external, low-noise power supply of ±15 V (±22 mA per
channel for I
= ±15 mA) and a change to your hardware – please
contact our service department (see page 31).
3.2.5 External Trigger D/A Section
The D/A channels 0…3 can be started by an external trigger signal
(AO_TRIG_x). Depending on the selected option (RISING, FALLING
or BOTH) the conversion will be started on the matching edge. The
option “BOTH” means either rising or falling edge.