Introducing the WebDAQ 316
The WebDAQ 316 is part of the WebDAQ Series of Internet enabled data loggers. WebDAQ 316 is a
thermocouple acquisi on and logging device that provides the following features:
16 differen al thermocouple inputs
75 S/s/ch sample rate
250 Vrms channel-to-earth isola on
Overvoltage protec on between any two inputs
50/60 Hz noise rejec on
Cold junc on compensa on (CJC)
Auto zero channel
Four bidirec onal, isolated DIO that are individually configurable for input (trigger) or output (alarm)
10/100 Ethernet interface
Support for USB WiFi adapters for wireless connec vity
Support for USB mass storage devices and SD cards for data logging or file transfer
Powered by an external power supply
WebDAQ Series devices are designed with an integrated opera ng system and web interface. You communicate
with the device over a network connec on using the web interface opened in a web browser.
Mobile support – access the WebDAQ from any device with a web browser, such as a phone or tablet
Remote monitoring and control
Run simple to complex logging opera ons
Flexible task scheduling
Powered by Raspberry Pi
The WebDAQ is designed with the Raspberry Pi Compute Module, featuring a quad core processor with speeds
up to 1.2 GHz, 1GB RAM and 4 GB Flash memory.
Integrated opera ng system and web service
The WebDAQ is a complete data acquisi on system containing an embedded opera ng system and web server.
The opera ng system resides in internal flash memory, and includes a web service and device driver. All
configura on, acquisi on, and data management is performed using the web interface.
Ethernet interface
The WebDAQ has a built-in 10/100 BASE-T auto-nego a on, high-speed communica on port. You can access
and configure your WebDAQ from anywhere with access to the network to which it is connected. A unique
MAC address is assigned to each device at the factory. You configure the Ethernet connec on se ngs through a
web interface. The default network name uses the format webdaq-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx are the lower six digits
of the factory-assigned MAC address. You can change this name with the web interface.
WebDAQ 316 User's Guide
page 3