Technical Manual
Blind Push Button Smart 55
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
Behaviour during lock:
This defines the behaviour of the lock function.
no action
The time switch is only locked
fixed value (one-time)
The time switch is locked and a fixed value is sent once when it is activated
fixed value (cyclic)
The time switch is locked and a fixed value is sent cyclically.
The time is set via the parameter "
Cycle time for value during lock
Value for lock:
With the settings "fixed value (one-time)" and "fixed value (cyclic)", one or two values can be sent,
depending on the parameter "selection":
With the selection
only the height position is sent.
only the slat position is sent.
, the height position and the slat position are sent.
Accordingly, the parameters "
Position: Value at lock
" and "
Slat: Value at lock
" are displayed. The
positions that are to be sent when the lock is activated are entered there.
Behaviour after bus power return
Defines the behaviour of the lock:
Lock not active
The lock is inactive (regardless of the behaviour before power failure).
Lock active
The lock is set automatically.
Restore lock
The lock assumes the behaviour before the power failure.
The following communication objects are available:
Name/Object Function
Length Usage
Time switch – Lock time switch
1 Bit
Locking / enabling the time switch.
For lock object type "lock object".
Time switch – Enable time switch
1 Bit
Locking / enabling the time switch.
For lock object type "enable object".
Time switch – Object value lock
1 Byte
2 Byte
4 Byte
Receiving an external value to lock/enable
the time switch.
For lock object type "Threshold comparator"
Time switch – Status Lock
1 Bit
Sending the current status
Table 35: Communication objects – Time switch: Lock object type