Technical Manual
Glass Room Temperature Controller Smart SCN-RTRGx.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
31 Setpoints, Operating Modes & Priorities
As a basis, it must be determined in advance how the setpoints are specified:
Figure 13: Settings
Setpoints for Standby/Night
The two options are described in detail in the next two chapters. Dependent on comfort setpoint (basic)
With the setting "dependent on comfort setpoint (basis)", the operating modes Standby and Night
are always relative to the basic comfort setpoint. If this changes due to a setpoint specification, the
values for Standby and Night also change. Therefore, the values for decrease and increase are given
as a temperature difference in "K" (Kelvin). Frost/Heat protection does not change here and always
remains at the parameterized value.
The following table shows the individual operating modes and their setting ranges:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Setpoint Comfort (Basic)
7 … 35 °C
[21 °C]
The basic Comfort value is the reference
point of the control
0 K
10,0 K
[2,0 K]
Reduction (for "Heating") or increase (for
"Cooling") of the temperature when the
operating mode Standby is selected. Is
indicated relative to the basic comfort value.
Night reduction/increase
0 K
10,0 K
[3,0 K]
Reduction (for " Heating") or increase (for
"Cooling") of the temperature when the
Night operating mode is selected. Is
indicated relative to the basic comfort value.
Setpoint Frost protection
3 … 12 °C
[7 °C]
Setpoint of the Frost protection mode is set
as absolute value.
Visible when "Heating" is active.
Setpoint Heat protection
24 … 40 °C
[35 °C]
Setpoint of the Heat protection operating
mode is set as absolute value.
Visible when "Cooling" is active.
Dead zone between
Heating and Cooling
1 K
10,0 K
[2,0 K]
Setting range for the dead zone (range in
which the controller activates neither the
heating nor the cooling process).
when "Heating and Cooling" is active.
Table 20: Settings
Operating modes and Setpoints (depending on Comfort setpoint)
A new setpoint is specified via object 1 "(Basic) Comfort setpoint".
In addition, there is a general object for the setpoint specification, the object "0 - Setpoint setting".
If a value is sent via this, it also changes the basic Comfort value. The special feature is that a
setpoint setting automatically switches to the "Comfort" operating mode. This applies to a setpoint
in "Standby" or "Night" mode.
: A setpoint setting is ignored in the "Frost-" or "Heat protection" operating mode!
Background: Some visualisations send fixed values in "Comfort" and need this value to be reported
back. This is only possible for the controller if it is also in "Comfort" mode.