Technical Manual Temperature Controller
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] • www.mdt.de
4.5.5 Direction of controller
The following settings are available at the ETS-Software:
Figure 21: Direction of controller
The direction of the controller describes the behavior of the control value by a changing of the
control difference at rising temperature. The control value can react normal or inverted to a rising
temperature. The direction of the controller can be adjusted for all control values (PI-control
continuous, PI-control switching and 2-Step control).
An inverted control value is for adaption to normally opened valves at the 2-Step control and at the
PI-control switching.
An inverted control value means for the single control values, by controller type heating, the
following adjustments
PI-control continuous
The control value falls at raising regular difference and rises at falling regular difference.
PI-control switching
The ratio between duration of switching on to the whole PWM cycletime raise by falling
temperature and falls by raising temperature.
2-Step control
The controller switches on at the normal point for switching off and switches off at the
normal point for switching on.