Technical Manual – IP Router SCN-IP100.03
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5.4 Secure Group Address Communication
If a group address is to be transmitted in encrypted form, all devices whose communication objects
communicate with this group address must support Data Secure.
The IP Interface supports up to 255 secure group addresses with a maximum of 64 different secure
If two communication objects that both support Data Secure are connected to a group address, the
ETS automatically sets this group address to "Security active". This is indicated by a blue protection
shield in the Security tab:
Figure 34: Secured group address
Using the Security tab in the group address settings, you can explicitly disable or enable security for
this group address. The "automatic" setting is the default setting. In this way, the ETS decides
independently whether the group address can be transmitted safely and activates this if possible:
- Open Workplace “Group Addresses” -> select the relevant group address ->
In “Properties” for the group address you get:
Figure 35: Changing the security settings for the group address