Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
146 Restrict changes to the device
The following parameter can be used to deactivate the change of the switching times on the device:
Figure 83: Setting: Time switch - Change times on the device
If this parameter is set to not active, the switching times for this function can only be changed via the
database. The function is also no longer listed in the timer menu, but only in the correspondingly set
category. Switching times
6 switching times can be set for each function via a table format:
Figure 84: Setting: Time switch
Switching times 1-6
For each of the 6 timers you can set on which days of the week they should be active.
The following modes are available:
The action for this time switch is executed at a fixed time.
Sunrise / Sunset / Dawn / Dusk:
The action for this time switch is executed on the corresponding event. Additionally, conditions can
be defined in this mode. Thus, the time can be shifted forwards/backwards by a fixed time via the
condition "
time shift
The action of the time switch can be limited with the condition "
latest at" / "no earlier than
Here is an example:
This function would be executed at sunrise, but never earlier than 8 am.
The action for this time switch is executed in a period at a specified time. The randomness is
specified as a condition (e.g. +/- 60min) at this time.
The "Value" parameter specifies the value to be transmitted for this time switch. Individual time slots
of the time switch can be blocked for the user for modification via the "Value modifiable" parameter.