Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
4.10.3 Selection of Functions / Functions 1 - 20
Up to 20 functions can be activated in the submenu "Selection of functions". As soon as a function is
active, a separate submenu appears for it. The corresponding settings are made there.
Generally applies to all functions:
All functions are only possible in two-button function
If the status object for a function is not connected, the switching status is visualised. Identical parameters/display on the device
The following parameters are identical across all functions:
Figure 69: Functions - Identical parameters
The parameter "Description of objects" is used for better clarity in the ETS and has no effect on the
display on the device.
The "Manual operation" parameter can be used to define whether this function should be displayed
on the central control unit or not. If the parameter is set to "not active", the function is not active on
the device, but the time switch can still be executed.
With the parameter "time switch" a submenu for the time switch is shown/hidden in which the
switching times for this function can be defined.
The sorting of the function is carried out via the following parameter:
Figure 70: Functions - Sorting of levels
Each function of the time switch can be sorted into a category/function level. This function is then
displayed on the device in this level.
The function levels are defined with the parameter "Function levels".
A function level is displayed on the device as soon as more than 1 function is active for this level. The
Smart central operating unit displays the function as a list if more than 3 functions are active for 1
function level.