Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
2.5 Commissioning
After wiring the device, the assignment of the physical address and the programming of the
application follows:
Connect the programming interface with the bus, e.g. MDT USB Interface
Set bus power up
Activate the programming mode by pressing buttons 7 and 8 on the device simultaneously,
(Status LEDs on the right and left side of the button alternately flash red)
Loading of the physical address out of the ETS-Software by using the interface (Red LEDs will
turn off as soon as this is successfully completed)
Loading of the application, with requested parameterization
If the device is enabled you can test the requested functions (also possible by using the ETS-
2.6 Reload Symbols
Any symbols can be loaded into the Central Operation Unit Smart. For this purpose, a DCA app
"MDT_DCA_Glass_Operation_Unit_Smart_v10.etsapp" must be downloaded and installed once from
the MDT website or from the shop of The images to be reloaded have to meet the
following requirements:
Format: Bitmap
Size: 64x64 Pixel
Colour: Black/White
Usage: ETS5 or higher