Страница 1: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com INSTRUCTION M NUAL TBM 2soo RF AMPLIFIER ...
Страница 2: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com I I I I I I l I INSTRUCTION f 1ANU A L I TBM 2500 RF AMPLIFIER I l I l I I I I I I I I I ...
Страница 3: ...d Although specifically designed for the Nd1artin TBM 3000 TBM 3500 end TBM 4000 it is also designed for use with other brands of llonitors which require a higher input si gnal level The TBH 2500 has two separate RF outputs One is high level and the ot her is l ow level Sufficient isolation is provided between the output to prevent interaction bet een McMartin o nd other type monitors A carrier fa...
Страница 4: ... Finish Shipping Weight Power Antenna Coaxial Cable 2 88 10 JllC 100 µv input for watt output 1000 µv input for 2 watts output 50 ohl ls coaxial 50 ohms coaxial 50 ohms coaxial 3 termin l board SPDT Carrier Reley Threshold RF Gain Complete RF tuning Power OU OFF RF Level Meter Pilot Lemp l 6AK5 2 6AG5 l 6BH6 1 5763 Standard Re ck Panel 19 x 5 Depth behind panel 7 Natural Gray Panel Cadmium Chassis...
Страница 5: ...factory for operation with any McMartin monitor TEM 3000 TBM 3500 TBM 4000 If a combination of two McMartin monitors ere being operated use both outputs and feed the monitors separately If a McMartin monitor is being operated with another type of monitor connect the McMartin to 10 OUT and the other monitor to HI OUT If only one nonitor of any type is being operated connect to the HI OUT Coaxial ca...
Страница 6: ...e of s pe rating strong alternate channel signals Toe ToI 1 2500 contains a pa a llel resor ant tuned circuit which when tuned properly 1ill reduce the intensity of the interferring signel As the T3 2500 is shipped this filter is tuned to a f equency ether than the station frequency If interference is not a proble t it is u iecessary to e djust t his filter If an interferring station is present ad...
Страница 7: ... are iuaranteed for e minir 1uri1 period of 90 days frou the dste of the original purchase Trans portation charges r 1ust be prepaid on equipr ient returr ed for warranty service This arranty does not extend to any cf our products which have been subjected to dsuse ne5lect accidents inco rect wiring not our o m improper in stallation or to use in violation of the instructions furr ished by us nor ...
Страница 8: ...er stage V 4 This final RF output stage is a shunt fed class C amplifier For optimum stability V 4 is neutralized with a srcall voltage fed back from L 5 to the input of V 4 Capacitor C 111 and R choke CH 2 form the neutra lization network L 5 is the output tank coil and is tapped to provide a no inal output impedance of 50 oh s R 18 end C 21 form a voltage divider and also attenuate 200 kc This f...
Страница 9: ...capacitor 005 mfd 80 2 600 v di sc cercmic cepacitor 005 rafd 8ci 2oi 600 v 11 11 11 47 pf 10 500 v dipp d mica capacitor l 5 3p 5C0 v odjustabl ceremic capacitor 24 pf lctp 500 V dipped mico capacitor 005 nfd eaf J 2 600 v di sc ceramic capacitor 005 cfa 8 2oi 600 v 11 11 005 mfd 8ci 2C 600 v 11 11 11 005 lilf d 80 2 600 v 470 pf 10 500 V 82 pf lei 500 V II It dipped nice ccpocitor II II II 005 m...
Страница 10: ...05 tif a 8c 20 600 v 005 nfd 8 20 600 v 005 nra soro 2 600 v dipped nico copacit0r II II II disc ceranic copacitur twist pr0ng el ectr lytic II II II II II II II II ceronic feed thru capacitor disc ceronic capacitor II II II II II II II II 11 II II c rr ell Dublilier II Radiu Material Cornell Dubilicr II II II II II II II Ce 1trolob II Radio Material II II II II II II II dipped mica cap citor Corn...
Страница 11: ...16 47 K 1or 1 w If II II II II II R 17 3900 1c 1 w II If II II II II I R 18 470 10 w II II II II II II J R 19 20 K 10 10 w wire w ound fixed resist0r Ohoite R 20 10 K 1 10 w II II II II II I R 21 68 K 101 w ccoposition carbon II II Allen Bradley R 22 100 K 10 2 II II cuntrol typ a AB Ohr lite w I R 23 220 1ot w II 11 fixed resistor Allen Bradley R 24 15 K 1o p l w II II II II II II I 2 R 25 15 K 1...
Страница 12: ... v capacitor 11 II PL 1 Pilot light 47 bulb CH 1 Filter choke 6H 150 ma de CH 2 RF choke l 1 lh CH 3 RF choke 11 lh CH 4 RF choke 11 lh M 1 Meter 0 1001 1e DC F 1 Fuse 1 amp 125 v Slo Blo RLY 1 Relay SPST 10 000 ohms V l V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 Tube 6AK5 Tube 6AG5 rube 6AG5 Tube 5763 Tube 6BH6 SR 1 1N2095 Silicon rectifier 600 piv 700 t lB SR 2 1N2095 Silicon rectifier 600 piv 700 ma D 1 1N5l ger leniU l ...
Страница 13: ... I I I g I I It L I I I I I I I I t 1 7 I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I f Ht I 1 8 i i V 1 1 ___ _ r rta7 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I VV J f I l I O li I s i I I I 111 t i I I 1 I I I I _____ J i b ____r b 2 1 ll i 0 3 I c N 2 J 211 22c 2 N 5 t 11 1 e i I H 1 i ...
Страница 14: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com IVICMARTIN i 1rM utm industr Ies Inc 4500 S uth 76th Street Omaha Nebraska 68127 402 331 2000 Telex 484485 ...