V1.02 25.06.2020
AGM-88 HARM (Anti-RADAR-Missile)
SP Mode (Self Protect)
(1) A/G-Mode
(2) ARM Mode
(3) Select HARM
(4) Select SP Mode (Default)
Current Radar emitting target is boxed on HUD, switch target with I key. Target should be on 12 o’clock.
(5) Activate offset, if too many targets are overlapping
TOO Mode (Target Of Opportunity)
(1) A/G-Mode
(2) ARM Mode
(3) Select HARM
(4) Select TOO Mode
Switch targets with I key, current target is boxed. If there is a line above it: that radar has you locked up
RAlt+,: Cage HARM Sensor (dot appears, depending which MFD shows HARM display. RAlt+. If right MFD)
C: Lock target (“H-off” appears above box)
Litening Pod
FLIR Switch to On
DDI FLIR Menue. Wait until FlIR have warmed up. Best altitude for operation is above 20.000 ft
Assign TDC to right DDI (RAlt+-) Use Narrow/Wide Field of View and Camera Movement to center cross on
target. If valid target, “ATRK” appears in left upper corner. Lock target with (RAlt+-), ATRK changes to PTRK.
Push TC Button to get GPS data. Wait for “In Range” and drop bomb
Laser Guided Bombs
Mode Auto, MFuze Off, FFuze Inst, Code (select any code)
LTD-R to Arm (in A/G-Mode!). L-ARM is shown on DDI
DDI Cage Trigger (box TRIG).
UFC: Enter same code as bombs, LTDC, Enter Code, ENT on num panel
Select target (move cross of Targeting Pod)
Press TDC Switch (Enter), target is shown on HUD. Move flight indicator on vertical dropline
Hold trigger down (Joystick Fire button) to fire Laser (LTD/R is shown on DDI). Drop bombs at 0.0 TGT (on
HUD). Leave Laser activated until impact
AGM-65E (Laser Maverick)
Select MAV on Storage DDI, UFC: enter any code, press MAV again (on DDI a circle shows up)
Uncage Maverick Seeker (C)
Select target (move cross of targeting pod), press TDC (Enter)
Maverick locks on to target, hold trigger down when in range (Joystick Fire), release weapon (hold trigger
until impact)