Mobile programmable gateway
MC Technologies GmbH, Kabelkamp 2, 30179 Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49511 67 69 99-0, Fax: +49511 67 69 99-150, Website & Shop:, Email: [email protected]
The provided list shows all open source software programs that are included in our product.
The most important open-source software licenses are listed in the licenses section at the
end of this publication.
As far as programs contained in our product are under the GNU General Public License
(GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), the Clarified Artistic License or any
other open-source software license, which stipulates that the source code must be made
available, we will send the source code at any time on request. Our offer to send the source
code on demand automatically ends 3 years after delivery of our product to the customer.
Requests should be sent to the following address, if possible stating the serial number of
our product:
MC Technologies GmbH
Kabelkamp 2
30179 Hannover
3.2 Liability regulations
We do not assume any warranty or liability if the open-source software programs contained
in our product are used by the customer in a way that no longer corresponds to the purpose
of the contract on which the purchase of our product is based. This applies in particular to
any use of the open source software programs outside of our product. For the use of the
open source software beyond the purpose of the contract, the warranty and liability
provisions provided for in the applicable open source software license for the
corresponding open source software, as listed below, shall apply. In particular, we shall not
be liable if the open source software in our product or the entire software configuration in
our product is changed. The warranty given in the contract on which the purchase of our
product is based shall only apply to the unchanged open source software and the
unchanged software configuration in our product.
3.3 Used open-source software
Please contact our support department ([email protected]) for a list of open
source software used in this product. Alternatively, a list of the open source software used
can be found in the MC100 web interface under System -> Software -> Installed.
4 Device variants
This manual describes different variants of the MC100 terminal / gateway from MC
Technologies GmbH. The devices are collectively referred to as MC100 in the manual. The
MC100 are:
4G LTE MC100 Terminal
4G LTE MC100 Gateway
4G LTE MC100 GPIO Terminal
4G LTE MC100 GPIO Gateway
4G LTE MC100 SensT2 Terminal
4G LTE MC100 SensT2 Gateway
4G LTE MC100 WMBUS Gateway
If the MC100 differ, this is mentioned separately in the corresponding sections.