J94S.book Page 12 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
In Case of an Em ergency
Emergency Starting
Starting a Flooded Engine
If the engine fails to start, it m ay b e
flooded (excessive fuel in the engine).
F ollow this procedure:
1. D epress the accelerator all the w ay and
hold it there.
2. Turn the ignition sw itch to the START
position and hold it there— for up to 10
seconds. If the engine starts, release the
key and accelerator im m ediately
b ecau se the engine w ill suddenly rev
3. If the e ngine fails to start, crank it
w ithout using the accelerator— for up
to 10 seconds.
Jum p-starting is dangerous if done
incorrectly. So follow the procedure
carefully. If you feel u nsure about jum p-
starting, w e strongly recom m end that you
have a com petent service technician do
the w ork.
B a ttery-R ela ted E xplosion:
F lam es a n d sparks n ea r o pen battery
cells a re d a n g ero u s. H ydrogen gas,
p r o d u ce d du rin g n o rm a l battery
op era tio n , c ou ld ignite a n d cause the
battery to explode. A n exploding
battery can cause serious burns a n d
injuries. K eep a ll fla m e s, in clu din g
cigarettes, a n d sparks aw ay fro m
open battery cells.
Low F luid Level o r Frozen Battery:
Jum p-startin g a fr o z e n battery o r one
w ith a low flu id level is dangerou s. It
m ay ru ptu re o r explode, cau sin g
seriou s injury.
D o n ’t ju m p -sta rt a fro z e n battery or
one with a low flu id level.
U se only a 12 V booster system . You
can d am age a 12 V starter, ignition
system , and o th er electrical parts
beyond rep air w ith a 2 4 V pow er
supply (two 12 V batteries in series or
a 24 V m otor generator set).
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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