J94S.book Page 1 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
A Word to Mazda Owners
T hank you for choosing a M azda. W e at M azda design and build vehicles w ith com plete
custom er satisfaction in m ind.
To help ensure enjoyable and trouble-free operation o f y o u r M azda, read this m anual
carefully and follow its recom m endations.
A n A uthorized M azda D ealer k now s y o u r vehicle best. So w hen m aintenance o r service is
necessary, that's the p lace to go.
O ur nationw ide netw ork o f M azda professionals is dedicated to providing y ou w ith the best
possible service.
W e assure you that all o f us at M azda have an ongoing interest in y o u r m otoring pleasure
and in y o u r full satisfaction w ith y o u r M azda product.
M a z d a N o r th A m e ric a n O p e ra tio n s
I m p o r ta n t N o tes A b o u t T h is M a n u a l
K eep this m anual in the glove box as a handy reference for the safe and enjoyable use o f
y o u r M azda. S hould you resell the vehicle, leave this m anual w ith it for the next owner.
A ll specifications and descriptions are accurate at the tim e o f printing. B ecause
im provem ent is a constant goal at M azda, w e reserve the rig h t to m ake changes in
specifications at any tim e w ithout notice and w ithout obligation.
A ir C o n d itio n in g a n d th e E n v iro n m e n t
Y our M azda's genuine air conditioner is filled w ith R 134a, a refrigerant that has been
found not to dam age the earth's ozone layer. I f the air conditioner does n ot operate
properly, consult an A uthorized M azda Dealer.
P le a s e b e a w a re t h a t th is m a n u a l a p p lie s to a ll m o d e ls, e q u ip m e n t a n d o p tio n s . A s a
re s u lt, you m a y fin d som e e x p la n a tio n s fo r e q u ip m e n t n o t in s ta lle d o n y o u r vehicle.
© 2001 M azda N orth A m erican O perations
P rinted in U .S.A .
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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Страница 80: ...J94S book Page 12 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM...
Страница 134: ...J94S book Page 18 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM Interior Comfort Audio System 6 18 Form No 8Q50 EA 01G...
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Страница 238: ...J94S book Page 16 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM...
Страница 241: ...J94S book Page 3 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM Identification Numbers Engine Number 10 3 Form No 8Q50 EA 01G...
Страница 245: ...J94S book Page 1 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM Index 11 1 Form No 8Q50 EA 01G...