maxon motor control
EPOS2 Positioning Controller
Document ID: rel5190
EPOS2 24/5 Hardware Reference
Edition: October 2014
© 2014 maxon motor. Subject to change without prior notice.
About this Document
Intended Purpose
The purpose of the present document is to familiarize you with the described equipment and the tasks
on safe and adequate installation and/or commissioning.
Observing the described instructions in this document will help you …
to avoid dangerous situations,
to keep installation and/or commissioning time at a minimum and
to increase reliability and service life of the described equipment.
Use for other and/or additional purposes is not permitted. maxon motor, the manufacturer of the equip-
ment described, does not assume any liability for loss or damage that may arise from any other and/or
additional use than the intended purpose.
Target Audience
This document is meant for trained and skilled personnel working with the equipment described. It con-
veys information on how to understand and fulfill the respective work and duties.
This document is a reference book. It does require particular knowledge and expertise specific to the
equipment described.
How to use
Take note of the following notations and codes which will be used throughout the document.
Table 1-1
Notations used in this Document
Symbols and Signs
Safety Alerts
Take note of when and why the alerts will be used and what the consequences are if you should
fail to observe them!
Safety alerts are composed of…
a signal word,
a description of type and/or source of the danger,
the consequence if the alert is being ignored, and
explanations on how to avoid the hazard.
Following types will be used:
Indicates an
imminently hazardous situation
. If not avoided, the situation will result in death
or serious injury.
Indicates a
potentially hazardous situation
. If not avoided, the situation
result in death or
serious injury.
referring to an item (such as order number, list item, etc.)
denotes “see”, “see also”, “take note of” or “go to”