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Neptune V2
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s o n y o u r a c q u i s i t i o n o f M a x f o r d U S A ’ s N e p t u n e V e r s i o n 2 b o a t p l a n e
This Neptune V2 ARF boat plane is the improved version of our previous Neptune. Its new color scheme is
much brighter and more visible in the air and the wingtip floats are now a bright red color. The engine pod now
sits atop a carbon-fiber tube, and all the wiring that needs to go between the engine pod and fuselage now easily
fits through this tube. The engine pod is redesigned and now consists of three pieces: the cowl, the bottom piece
(to hold the supplied fuel tank and your throttle servo), and the pod’s magnetic hatch/top cover.
The V2 wing has a carbon-fiber wing rod in place of the V1’s wooden wing joiner. The V2’s two aileron
servos are now located safely inside the fuselage (mounted near the center of the wing). A special new
compartment with an optional hatch has been added to the nose. The hatch arrives out-of-the-box covered-over.
To access the compartment, simply cut the covering material around the edges of the hatch. This makes it easy to
use this compartment for your radio’s battery or to add any necessary weight to adjust your Neptune’s CG. It is
also the perfect location if you plan to install an onboard glow plug driver and battery in your Neptune.
These improvements contribute to the V2’s lighter weight (the ARF-weight of the V1 was 6 lbs 8 oz,
whereas the dry flying weight of the complete new V2 is only 6 lbs 2 oz).
We invite you to enjoy the pride of ownership and the joy of flying this high
quality balsa, carbon-fiber, fiberglass and light-ply almost-ready-to-fly aircraft.