10. Perform the 7xi TV channel setup. Instructions for this process
are available in section 10.6 of the T7xi Service Guide
11. Test
Reinstall TV Drivers
1. Set up computer accessories
<Figure 27>
a. Plug in USB hub with USB drive, keyboard, and mouse
b. Turn console off and on again
c. Verify the console recognizes the devices
2. Enter
Device Manager
3. Double click to open
4. Select
5. Under
, look for the string
<Figure 28>
a. If this string is present, the console identifies the
tuner. Move to the next troubleshooting step: Replace
CF card
b. If this string is not present, the tuner cannot be
identified. Continue to step 6.
6. Press
Enter 884678866 Enter
(if 2015 AverMedia tuner,
Enter 884678855 Enter
in start screen to re-install H837
tuner driver
7. Press
Enter 732668 Enter
start screen to reboot console
8. Test
Replace Compact Flash Card
1. Reboot system
2. If error remains, reseat the internal compact flash card
a. Power off console and unplug machine
b. Remove the console from frame and remove the back
cover of the console
c. Remove the
four (4)
screws holding the iron plate to
the console frame
d. Carefully remove the CF card
e. Return the CF card and ensure connection is straight
Reassemble and test
3. If error remains, replace the internal compact flash card
a. Turn on the power, wait for welcome screen
b. Press
Enter 1 0 0 1 Enter
c. Record the Accumulated Mileage, Accumulated Time,
and Serial Number
d. Press
button on screen
<Figure 28>
<Figure 29>
<Figure 27>
<Figure 25>
<Figure 26>
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