MSC-2HD3232S Product Manual
1.5.1 Installation Example
The following diagram is of a simple installation example consisting of a 32x32 SDI Video Router, with a
secondary level 32x32 Analog Audio router connected via the AFV DB-25 interface, a 32x32 Remote Button
Panel, a 2RU LCD Remote Panel and a Computer system.
1.6 3D Video Configuration
Matrix Switch Corporation video routers offer two software based solutions for dual channel 3D support. This
is usually only used with SDI video, but is not limited to that video type.
3D support options
1. Paired I/O using a single router device. Resulting 3D matrix size is half of the devices original size, for
example an 8x8 router would yield a 4x4 3D router. Not available with devices with less than 2
destinations or sources. I/O pairs are consecutive, for example output 1 and 2 would be for the first 3D
channel, 3 and 4 would be for the 2nd, etc.
2. Dual linked router devices. Uses 2 devices connected via TCP/IP over their Ethernet ports, one acting as
a master, to provide 3D support. Devices must have the same matrix size. Resulting 3D matrix is equal
to the matrix size of a single device, for example two 8x8 routers would result in one 8x8 3D router. One
router controls one half of the 3D channels (right eye) and the other controls the other half (left eye).
Option 1 is enabled through the
3D I/O Pairing
setting and Option 2 is enabled by setting the
Control Mode
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