Masterflex REGLO Digital Pump Drive with Advanced Connectivity
Section 3: Operation
In Continuous Mode the pump will operate at a selected rpm and/or flow rate until stopped by the user.
Continuous Mode Run Screen
The Continuous Mode Run Screen is accessed by selecting CONTINUOUS from the Mode Selection Screen.
A. MODE NAME BANNER: Tap the Mode Name Banner to return to the Mode Selection Screen.
B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME: Displays the current cumulative volume of fluid that has been pumped.
reset the cumulative volume:
Press and hold CUMULATIVE VOLUME RESET until the display
changes to zero.
C. FLOW RATE: Displays the current flow rate in the unit of measurement selected by the user. Tap to
access the Flow Rate Screen.
D. HEAD OPTIONS: Tap to access the Head Options Screen.
E. CALIBRATE: Tap to access the Calibration Screen (for further information see "
on page 3-12). Once calibration has been completed for the current pump head size Calibration
Complete will be displayed.
F. PRIME: Press and hold to prime the pump drive (for further information see "
G. START/STOP: Tap START to begin operation. Once operation has commenced STOP will be
H. FLOW DIRECTION: Tap DIRECTION to select either clockwise
or counterclockwise
Flow Direction is unavailable on single direction gear pumps and will be grayed out.
H. Flow Direction
B. Cumulative Volume
G. Start/Stop
D. Head Options
E. Calibrate
K. Settings
I. Screen Lock
C. Flow Rate
J. Logout
A. Mode Name Banner
F. Prime