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104 S. 8th Ave. Marshalltown, IA Phone 800-888-0127 / 641-753-0127 • Fax 800-477-6341 / 641-753-6341 www.MARSHALLTOWN.com
Before troubleshooting double-check the manual:
• Is your shear properly assembled?
• Is it being operated correctly?
• Is it properly lubricated?
• Has the blade been honed as recommended?
Visually inspect shear, watching for objects that might obstruct the blade or powerhead travel:
• Foreign material presence between the blade and anvil, in the pin springs or under the cam.
• Check your blade for chips, cracks or burrs.
• Make sure bearings are intact and lubricated. They should not be spinning/moving on the cam during use.
NOTE: This troubleshooting is for all Bullet shears. If you are uncertain if it pertains to your shear, please contact
Marshalltown customer service.