Adaptable – changing the view of
the TRACE PRO AE Mixer
In the bottom left corner of the Mixer you can
find four buttons for “Analog”, “Digital”,
“TDM” and “PLAY”. These allow, with a click
on the button, to hide or show the affected
In order to adjust the look of the Mixer
according to your needs, single rows of control
elements can be hid or shown with the help of
“Parts”. This applies to all gain-, aux- or bal
knobs and the “Extra” row.
All these functions can be very handy for saving
precious space on your computer screen. But
they’re also useful if you wish to secure certain
setups of faders or knobs from accidentally
being changed.
Of course, apart from all these functions, the
window can be sized horizontally.
If multiple TRACE PRO AE have been
installed, you can bring up the Mixer of every
sound system using the drop-down list in the top
bar of the window. The lock-symbol in the upper
right corner of the window prevents coverage by
other windows. This way the Mixer is always on
top and accessible.
ou may save certain visual configurations
along with the current mixer settings in a
“snapshot”. For this, click on one of the three
buttons beneath “snaps” on the row “save”. If
ou wish to recall a snapshot, click on the
“load”-button situated beneath the previously
saved snapshot.
Note: Hidden channels
are still active, just like
they were shown.
Snapshots are
independent of setups
(see chapter “Saving and
loading Setups”). Thus,
they will not be
overwritten by a setup.