TSM1330C User's Manual
Page 12
Revision 1.0
Figure 7
– USB Device Connection
2.4.3 Power Connection
The TSM1330C must be connected to a power source (over current protection should be provided
and should be sized in accordance with ABYC E-11, AC and DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ON
BOATS). The TSM1330C provides two sets of independent, galvanically isolated power connections
and can run off the power supplied by either connection, allowing for redundant power connection.
Figure 8
– Power Connections
Connect your DC power cables to the SL-SMT 09F connector block as follows:
Step 1:
Unscrew (from top) or make sure that the screw terminals (square area) are fully open, so
you can secure the inserted cables correctly to the loose housing connector (it may already
be plugged into the unit as per factory installation).
Step 2:
Insert cables (from front) and screw / secure the cables by turning the screw on top of the
housing to secure the cables properly. Check that the cables are firmly in place and do not
appear loose or fall out when pulling gently.