March 20, 2018 3:12 PM
10 lb Wax Melter
501 1st St S,
Hackensack, MN 56452
500 Santa Anita Dr.,
Woodland, CA 95776
485 Stewart Rd,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706
1600 Commerce Street,
Marshall, TX 75672
Telephone: 800-880-7694
Attaching Control and Power Cable
1. Attach control to the port
on the side of the melter.
2. Attach power cable to the control
port. Connection is magentic.
NOTE: Do not submerge melter
in water. Remove control and
power cable when cleaning. Do
not clean the interal parts of the
control or power plug.
DO NOT exceed warm setting on
control. Heating wax beyond this
setting will cause discoloration.
The flashpoint of beeswax is 400°
F (204.4
° C
TO 400° F
° C