Multiplex Beermaster™ Beer Dispensing
The beer keg is kept in a refrigerated cooler at the proper
temperature for dispensing. The
pressure system
supplies pressurized gas to the kegs at a specific
pressure for each keg, this pressure is determined by the
installer taking into consideration the distance, vertical
rise and fall of the conduit (insulated bundle of tubing),
along with the natural pressure in the keg. The beer is
pushed through the lines in the conduit from the cooler to
the dispensing valve. To maintain the cold temperature in
the conduit the
refrigeration system
uses the Multiplex
Beermaster™ refrigeration unit which chills a glycol bath.
This glycol, which is adjusted to below 30°F (-1.11°C), is
circulated through the conduit up to the dispensing faucet
and back where it is re-chilled in the bath. These chilled
glycol lines are touching the beer lines in the conduit,
maintaining the cold temperature of the beer. The beer is
then brought up to the
dispensing system
where the
conduit tubing is restricted down to a smaller diameter
tube of a length, calculated by the installer, that’s
designed to give a 1.75 ounce per second flow of a
perfectly dispensed beer.
STH13_Tech.book Page 18 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:20 PM