Makerfire Armor 65 Lite - Makerfire
3 x Sticker
How to Flash Firmware for Lite FC
The only method to restore the factory PID is reflashing the firmware for the moment.
About how to flash the firmware, please check on Silverware offical website or RCG.
The firmware for Makerfire TinyLite FC board is available in the attached file.
If You want to compile the files by yourself, please download the files here:
Silverware is an open-source flight controller firmware developed by GitHub user silver13 for the H8 mini, BWhoop B03, and Eachine
E011/E011C FCs. It was forked and further refined by GitHub user NotFastEnuf
Silverware is a firmware for some micro quadcopters, especially the whoop FPV racing.
Silverware supports level mode and acro mode. Also it can change the the settings for custom builds, or to adapt to personal preferences.
By default, Silverware changes modes, tune PIDs, calibrate accelerometer or save settings by stick sequences(also called gestures).
For example, the Frsky QX7 radio transmitter switches the FC's mode between level and acro by moving the right stick as show below.
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This page was last edited on 15 January 2019, at 03:02.