How to Replace the Bar Mount Assembly on a
MakerBot Replicator 2 Extruder
These are instructions for replacing the bar mount assembly in a MakerBot Replicator 2
extruder. They will require the use of the 2.5 mm hex wrench that came with your bot, a
pair of scissors, and, depending on your individual Replicator 2, a small flathead
Before you begin, do the following:
• Unload any filament.
• Turn off the MakerBot Replicator 2.
• Remove the filament guide tube and spool holder.
• Unplug power and USB cables.
1. Detach the active cooling duct.
Gently pull the active cooling duct away from the nozzle. Allow the duct to hang.
2. Remove the extruder from the gantry.
Use the 2.5 mm hex wrench to unscrew the two bolts holding the extruder to the
extruder carriage. Both bolts are on the underside of the extruder carriage -- one at the
left and one at the right.
3. Free the extruder cable from the clips on the back of the MakerBot Replicator 2.
Carefully clip the zip tie attaching the extruder cable to the top clip on the back of the
MakerBot Replicator 2. Gently pull the cable free of the other clips. Set the extruder
down next to your bot.
4. Remove the fan assembly.