Maine Installation Guide (with underframe) - vJUN17
The Majestic Shower Company Limited
17 Flitch Industrial Estate, Chelmsford Road, Dunmow, CM6 1XJ
Tel44 (0) 8448 001 500
Fac44 (0) 1279 635 074 [email protected] www.majesticshowers.com
Thank you for purchasing this Maine shower door. Please study these instructions
carefully before assembly and installation.
Checking of Parts
Parts are listed at the beginning of this guide. Please check all supplied parts immediately
and contact the Majestic Shower Company in the event of any missing or damaged parts.
These instructions are for left and right handed units. All parts are reversible.
Handling of Parts
When handling glass, use suction glass lifters and take care to ensure that corners or edges
are not knocked. Do not place glass on hard surfaces - place cushioning material under-
neath to prevent the glass from shattering.
Unwrap all metal parts carefully to prevent damaging the plated surfaces.
Pre Installation Checks
Prior to undertaking installation, check the accuracy of the following against specifications
for the particular installation location:
- Verticality and flatness of walls. Walls must be substantially vertical and the finished wall
to finished wall dimension must be as specified at the top and bottom of the door.
- Levelness and flatness of the floor or tray.
Installation Tips
The general principle of assembly is to assemble parts in the steps shown - first a dry
assembly to check fits or mark cutting or drilling positions and then a final assembly with
If anti-calcium glass has been specified, the treated side of the glass will be indicated and
should always face inwards towards the wet side of the shower area.