Pos : 70 /T echnisc he Dokumentation/ Alle G erät e/ 01/Übersc hrift en/Übersc hrift en 1. 1. 1/D /Übersc hrift 1. 1. 1: Dis kret e M ess ung @ 13\ mod_1234781806339_75. doc x @ 340115 @ 3 @ 1
Discrete Measurement
Pos : 71 /T echnisc he Dokumentation/ Leis tung/F unktion/ Abg as/ 06 LPS Tr akt or/ 0801 LPS Z W-500/BA/I nhalt : 0608 Dis kr et e Messung @ 34\ mod_1379066212666_75.doc x @ 1825984 @ @ 1
Pre-defined points in relation to the RPM are measured in the discrete performance measure-
ment. The start and end RPM as well as the increment are defined by the operator.
1 Select suitable transmission/RPM range of the p.t.o. shaft, switch on the shaft.
2 Select measurement method and confirm with <ENTER>.
Measurement with
Discrete n <*>
3 Enter value for RPM start using the digit keys.
4 Use <ENTER> key for confirmation.
RPM Start
5 Enter value for RPM stop using the digit keys.
6 Use <ENTER> key for confirmation.
RPM Stop
7 Enter value for RPM step using digit keys.
8 Use <ENTER> key for confirmation.
RPM Step
9 Enter value for waiting time using the digit keys.
10 Use <ENTER> key for confirmation.
Waiting time
10 s
During the waiting time the approached RPM is held constant to keep a stable measurement
point. A waiting time of at least 10 s is recommended. Please pay attention to the vehicle
manufacturer’s instructions.
The printout starts automatically with the printing of the header data. This message appears:
"Please wait, printing data". During the measurement the current measurement values are
11 Press the accelerator to full throttle.
The first measurement point entered is approached with full throttle.
The eddy current brake hold the RPM constant based on the pre-selected waiting time and
files the measurement of this point. Then the brake is released and the next measurement
point is approached. The operator presses the accelerator during the entire test.
Example of measurement value entry:
Sequence of the measurement values
RPM measurement values - example
Minimum to maximum
Maximum to minimum
With V1.11 or higher, the start value can be set automatically during measurements from high to
1 Enter "0" as start value, then the lower end value, step and waiting time.
2 Raise the RPM to the desired start RPM. This must be greater than stop RPM + step.
► <*> appears on the display.
3 Press the <*> key to select the current RPM as start value.