8 - Commands
eDynamo| Secure Card Reader Authenticator | Programmer’s Manual (COMMANDS)
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Command 0x14 - Get Device State (MSR Only)
When the device is set to
, it requires mutual authentication with the host
Command 0x10 - Activate Authenticated Mode (MSR Only)
]. The host can use this command to
determine the state of Authenticated Mode at a given point in time. For convenience, this manual refers
to states with the notation
), showing the current state
and the state that led to it. Lists of possible states and their definitions are provided in the device response
tables below.
In most cases, the host software can also track the state of Authenticated Mode by inference. As the host
software interacts with the device, most state transitions are marked by the messages exchanged with the
device. The exception is the transition from
, which happens
if the device times out waiting for the host to send
Command 0x11 - Activation Challenge Response
, which the device does not report to the host. To cover this case, the host must be aware
that a timeout could occur, in which case the device responds to
Command 0x11 - Activation Challenge
with Result Code 0x07 (Sequence Error).
Example 1 – Power Up followed by Authentication and good swipe:
Device powers on. Host software should send this command to discover the current state of the
device is WaitActAuth:PU.
Host sends a valid
Command 0x10 - Activate Authenticated Mode (MSR Only)
. Device responds
with result code 0x00, inferring the transition to the WaitActRply:PU state.
Host sends a valid
Command 0x11 - Activation Challenge Response (MSR Only)
. Device
responds with result code 0x00, inferring the transition to the WaitSwipe:PU state.
Cardholder swipes a card correctly. Device sends card data to the host, inferring the transition to the
WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe state.
Example 2 – Device times out waiting for swipe:
Device waiting after a good swipe. Host software may send this command to discover the current
state of the device is WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe.
Host sends valid
Command 0x10 - Activate Authenticated Mode (MSR Only)
. Device responds
with result code 0x00, inferring the transition to the WaitActRply:GoodSwipe state.
Host sends a valid
Command 0x11 - Activation Challenge Response (MSR Only)
. Device
responds with result code 0x00, inferring the transition to the WaitSwipe:GoodSwipe state.
Authenticated mode times out before a swipe occurs. Device sends mostly empty card data to the
host to report the timeout in Device Encryption Status. The host infers the transition to the
WaitActAuth:TOSwipe state.
Example 3 – Host sends invalid Command 0x11 - Activation Challenge Response (MSR Only):
Device waiting after a good swipe. Host software may send this command to discover the current
state of the device is WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe.
Host sends valid
Command 0x10 - Activate Authenticated Mode (MSR Only)
. Device responds
with result code 0x00, inferring the transition to the WaitActRply:GoodSwipe state.
Host sends invalid
Command 0x11 - Activation Challenge Response (MSR Only)
. Device
responds with result code 0x02 or 0x04, inferring the transition to the WaitActAuth:FailAuth state.
Example 4 – Host waits too long sending Command 0x11 - Activation Challenge Response (MSR
Device waiting after a good swipe. Host software may send this command to discover the current
state of the device is WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe.