5.16.4 Folding rollers’ gap setting
When using different thickness of paper, user needs to adjust the gap
between folding rollers. In the blow diagram, there are two gaps, which need
to be adjusted. Gap A is the lower folding knife’s outfeed gap; Gap B is the
upper folding knife outfeed gap. There are some suggested gap adjustment
tables next to the diagram.
The roller gap need to be adjusted when the stack thickness or fold type is
changed. We must adjust it by insetting strips on the positions of 1, 2, 3, 4, as
above pictures. What to insert should be referred to the following table.
For example: When we are doing Z fold with 250gsm, you firstly find Z
fold ,you will find for position 1 and 2, there need no strips(\ means no need
strips), for position 3 and 4, you need to set paper thickness of 0.1-0.15mm.