MAGNASPHERE CORP. | 23777 Stone Ridge Dr., Suite 160, Waukesha, WI 53188
tel. 262.347.0711 | fax 262.347.0710 | www.MAGNASPHERE.com
MSS Standard
Series Product Sheet
Security Contacts have been made with a
decades-old technology called the Reed switch.
Reed switches have three inherent weaknesses
when used in security contacts. They are (1)
Easily defeated with magnets, (2) Prone to
permanent contact weld failure (from lightning
and power surges), and (3) fragile (made mostly
of glass, they are subject to damage even when
packaged as security contacts).
The MAGNASPHERE line of security sensors
provides a solution to all of these issues.
Utilizing the the patented, revolutionary
BMS switch renders the MSS
products virtually unbreakable, and highly
resistant to permanent contact welding and
outsider magnet defeat, allowing
MAGNASPHERE to offer a lifetime replacement
MSS contacts are available in both the
traditional Closed Loop (contact closed when
magnet is present) as well as the more Secure
Open Loop (contact open when magnet is
present) electrical configuration. This is the
same configuration required for other life safety
devices such as smoke and fire alarms, and has
long been the recommend configuration by
most knowledgeable security professionals.
BMS switch
Won't break
Resistant to contact welding
Resistant to outside defeat
Security industry's BEST warranty
Universal mounting
Cost competitive
Increases RMR
Surface Mount
Overhead Door
#5977873, #RE39731, #6506987, #6303845, #6603378, and Patents Pending