This guide is to assist you with the set-up
and use of your Avalon ID c a rd printer.
The information contained in this guide is subject to change without notice.
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is registered as a trademark with the United States Patent and
Trademark Office, Reg. No. 2,197,276.
The HoloKote
f e a t u re of Magicard
printers is protected by US PATENT No:
5,990,918 and by EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION EP 0 817 726 B1.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright 2007 Ultra Electronics Limited.
Reference Guide
Avalon Duo only
Avalon 105 only
Printer location re q u i re m e n t s
• Sufficient space for:
opening the top cover
cable access at the rear.
allowance for air circulation.
• An adequately ventilated dust free ro o m .
• Access to a properly grounded power supply.
• Ambient tempe10 to 30 degrees C.
• Relative humidity 20 - 70%.
• P rotection from direct sunlight and chemicals.
• Protection from abrupt temperature changes.
Do not connect your printer to the PC before step 10.
Connect printer only after the driver has been installed.
Attach the Card Feed Hopper
1. Open a clean pack of cards and make sure they are not
sticking together. Load the cards into the feed hopper. Av o i d
touching the card surfaces because finger marks can eff e c t
image quality.
N o t e :
When using magstripe cards, ensure the stripe is on the right
and u n d e rneath when viewed from the fro n t .
2. Tilt the loaded hopper back as shown, and lower gently into
the receptacle at the rear of the printer. You will be able to
lower the hopper about an inch (25mm).
3. At this point, tilt the hopper forw a rd to the vertical position
and lower all the way down until the hopper is completely
within the body of the printer.
Attach the card output stacker
Insert the card collection
stacker into the aperture in
the front panel and hook
into place.
The stacker can hold up
to 50, 30mil thick card s ,
after which it should be
emptied. The printer can
be operated without the
stacker if you wish.
To complete
installation and begin
using your printer you will
also require a roll of
suitable Magicard dye-film
and cards (not included).
Avalon Printer
Hopper and Stacker
Power Cable
USB Cable/port
Driver CD
Cleaning Card
PVC cards
Prepare the cleaning cassette
Press down on the top cover, operate the top cover
release catch and open the cover. First remove the white
tape holding the black plastic cleaning cassette. Grip the
handle between finger and thumb, then push and re l e a s e
the cleaning cassette. Remove the orange tape and
protective layer from the disposable cleaning cassette
This is a good time to familiarise yourself with the way that this
automatic cleaning system is designed to operate.
Finally replace the cleaning cassette by inserting the roller shaft into the U shaped
guides and clicking into place.
Print a test card
1. Switch the printer on. You will hear some motor activity and see the
indicators flash.
2. When ready, the red Error indicator should be off and the green
indicator on.
3. Press and release the small test push button on the rear panel once.
4. After several seconds, the printer will print a test pattern on a card,
and feed it to the card output stacker. This indicates that all is well
with the printer, i.e. cards loaded, dye film loaded, power is on and
lid is closed.
Avalon QuickStart Guide,
Drawing No. 3623-22-01 Issue 7, September 2007 (Stock No. M9006-648/R)
How to
adjust card thickness
The print engine adjusts automatically to the cards used. However,
to prevent misfeeds the card feed preventor should be set using the
lever in front of the card hopper which is best accessed by
removing the cleaning cassette.
Card thicknesses between 0.51mm to 1.6mm (0.020in to 0.063in)
can be accommodated.
How to
set up your Avalon
to use HoloPatch
When used with HoloPatch cards, the HoloKote watermark provides
provides a defense against card fraud. Cards with this feature are
available for both plain and magstripe formats.
To select this feature, ensure that the card design allows space for
the HoloPatch cut-out, go to ‘Printer Settings’ from the start menu
on your PC, open the ‘Avalon Printer’ and Right Click’ on it. From
the drop down menu select ‘PRINTING PREFERENCES’ and then
‘CARD FRONT’. Set HoloPatch to ‘YES’ and click OK. Cards will be
printed with a ‘cookie cutter’ hole in the image lining up with the
gold patch on the card.
HoloPatch cards should be fed with the gold patch on top,
and on the right-hand side (viewed from the front).
How to
use magnetic stripe cards
(Avalon 105 and Avalon Duo 105 only)
When loading magnetic stripe cards, make sure that the stripe is on the right and
underneath when viewing from the front of the printer.
Use HiCo magnetic stripe cards only (not LoCo).
QuickStart Reference Guide
How to
clean your printer
We recommend that you clean your printer using a cleaning card each time
you replace the dye-film.
To clean the printer feed mechanism :
Remove the dye film
Remove the card hopper and open the top door
(the red light comes on).
Take a fresh cleaning card from its packaging.
Insert the narrow end into the card feed slot.
Press the black button on the back of the printer (located
above the USB connector). The card is drawn into the printer
and then ejected. Repeat this several times with both sides of
the same card.
To ensure that the rear feed rollers situated under the card
hopper are thoroughly cleaned set the printer to its cleaning
cycle, and instead of inserting the card, simply hold it against
these rollers. You are provided with 1 cleaning card with the
Avalon. You can purchase a Cleaning Kit (Magicard part
number M9005-761), which includes 5 cleaning cards and a
cleaning pen.
To clean the printhead :
Using a purpose made cleaning pen (available from your
Magicard dealer as part of the Cleaning Kit, Magicard part
number M9005-761).
Open the printer and draw the pen several times, in the same
direction, along the complete length of the printhead.
Inside the printer is a cleaning cassette. It is recommended that
the disposable cleaning roller is replaced after every 1000 prints.
You can buy a pack of 5 cleaning rollers (Magicard part number
M9005-772). To see instructions for replacing the cleaning
cassette, see section 6 ("Preparing the cleaning cassette")
in this guide.
You need to re-use the cassette, but replace the roller within it.
The only other maintenance pro c e d u re feasible for the user is
replacement of the printhead. This should normally only be
n e c e s s a ry following damage by dirt, so cards must be kept
clean before loading into the printer.
B a d g i n g S e r i e s
Load the CD into your PC
Make sure the printer is switched off
. Load the driver CD ROM into the
PC you have connected to the printer. If the CD does not run automatically,
click the start button, then click on “run”. Type “D:\autorun”, where D is the
drive letter for your CD drive, then press the return key.
Now follow the on screen instructions to install the
printer drivers. On completion of installation, you will be
able to print cards.
Do not connect your printer to the PC before step 10.
Connect printer only after the driver has been installed.
Plug in the printer
Make sure that the printer is turned Off
, i.e. the On/Off button is slightly
protruding from the front panel.
Check the label on the rear panel to make sure that the supply
requirements of your printer are met by your local AC power supply.
Plug the power supply lead provided into the socket on the rear panel of
your printer, and the other end into a properly grounded electrical outlet.
Do not connect the USB cable to your PC
Install the dye film
1. Open a new roll of dye film.
2. Place the loaded spool into the rear clips and press it into place. The orientation
is correct when the bar code on the end of the spool to
the left hand side when viewed from the front. Rotate to
make sure that the slot engages with the lug.
3. Place the empty take up spool into the front clips, and
adjust the film tension so that the film is lying flat and
straight between the two spools.
4. Press the top cover down until it clicks into the closed
position. The printer will automatically recognize the
type of film that has been loaded
High quality single or Double-sided ID card printers.
1. Remove clear sticky
plastic transit tape.
2. Remove backing
label from sticky
roller prior to use.
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