2. Preparing For First-Time Use
Charging the ProMark3 Battery Pack
The ProMark3 includes a rechargeable, replaceable battery
pack. Before using the receiver, you must first charge the bat-
tery pack:
1. Locate the removable battery provided.
2. Open the battery door, located in the back of the receiver,
using a screwdriver or a coin.
3. Insert the battery –label side upward, contact towards the
top of the unit– into the battery compartment:
4. Close the battery door and tighten the screws.
5. Attach the Clip-on I/O module to the receiver as shown
below (Insert bottom first, hold down release button, press
I/O module against unit and release button):
6. Connect the AC adapter (see below) and then let it charge
the battery for approximately six hours.
Battery Life
Whether used as a rover or
a base, ProMark3 will run
for 8 hours with its inter-
nal battery in typical con-
ditions of use.
Connect cable from AC
adapter to this input