The First Time You Use MobileMapper CE
Please carefully read the procedure outlined in the table be-
low. This procedure is described in detail in the continuation
of this chapter. Please strictly follow the order in which the in-
structions are given.
Note that the procedure was tested for several popular mobile
phone brands and for a European GPRS operator. The proce-
dure should normally apply for any other manufacturer, phone
model and GPRS operator although this cannot be guaran-
Ask MobileMapper CE to be
paired with the cell phone.
On MobileMapper CE:
- Start Bluetooth Manager
- Detect the cell phone
- Ask for a paired Bluetooth link
- Enter a Pin code.
Allow the cell phone to be
paired with MobileMapper CE
On the cell phone, select the appropriate
command and then enter the same Pin code as
in Step 1.
Re-boot Bluetooth Manager on
MobileMapper CE
On MobileMapper CE, exit from Bluetooth
Manager and then re-launch this program.
Establish a Bluetooth link
between MobileMapper CE
and the cell phone
On MobileMapper CE:
- List the cell phone’s local services
- Establish a Bluetooth link
- Create a shortcut for future connections.
Prepare the GPRS connection On MobileMapper CE
- Start creating a new connection icon
- Enter the GPRS call number
- Finish creating the new connection icon.
Establish the GPRS connection On MobileMapper CE:
- Double-tap the new connection icon
- Enter GPRS operator identification data
- Start the GPRS connection.