The manufacturer claims that the above mentioned
product fulfils the requirements as set by
EN 55 013, EN 55 020, EN 60 555-2 and
EN 60 555-3, RoHS and WEEE
Mad Professor pedals carry a 1 year limited warranty
Power requirements:
6F22 9V battery or DC eliminator 2.1 mm plug
center negative and positive sleeve
LGW is protected against wrong DC eliminator
polarity. Fuzzy sound is a sign of low voltage.
Maintain recommended voltage for best results.
mad Professor Little Green wonder
eLeCtriCAL sPeCiFiCAtion:
• Z in at 1 kHz: app. 500K
• Pout 1 kHz in 50k: app. 0uW70 RMS
• Max load: app. 10K
• Max output: 3V peak
• Max current consumption: 4 mA at 10V
• Upper freq. -3 dB: app. 10KHz
• Max gain at 1KHz: app. 58 dB
• Max input signal: 3V peak
• Supply Voltage range: 7.5V-18V
MAd PRofeSSoR AMPlificAtion ltd
Finland • [email protected]
This product is manufactured by